Tuesday, January 4, 2011

go play

Last week Jon was off from work and we took the opportunity to engage as a family in the spiritual discipline of play. OK, so I've never seen 'play' listed as a spiritual discipline, but I think it should be. As far as I understand them, spiritual disciplines are practices which help us take on the person of Jesus Christ in our bodies and minds in order that we may be transformed more and more into his likeness. In my experience, this can happen when we study scripture, pray, fast, serve, confess, and yes -- play.

[These pictures are all from one epic day of play last week -- Lincoln Park, Vashon beach hike, hot chocolate stop at the cabin, and Bellevue Garden D'Lights.]


Unknown said...

Yay for play:) Looks like you guys had a wonderful time. I agree that play should be among the spiritual disciplines...

Carissa Boyd said...

What a day! I particularly love the picture of Dexter asleep in the car. :)