This is not the first time that I have been stalked by a scripture.
Last time it was Psalm 51. Later that month it was Psalm 65, and then John 12:24.
Now it is Ezekiel 36-37.
It was the scriptural basis for the 'Assurance of Forgiveness' section of the liturgy at church yesterday.
In the same service we sang a song with words based on Ezekiel 36:24-28. It was also in my head the whole week before as I prepared to help lead music.
[In the spirit of full disclosure, I must admit that those two things are not coincidental -- I knew we would be reading that scripture in church, so I suggested the song to our worship leader. But the next part gets stalker-ish, so read on.]
Then this morning Nate crawled in bed with me and asked if I would read him a verse from the Bible. "I will pick it, Mommy." OK, bud. He carefully flipped through the pages. "This one, read this one."
The page was open to Ezekiel 36-37.
Some things in my life seem to only get harder, but God's word is relentless in offering hope. I am thankful for the words that keep coming back:
Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are cut off...
I will put my spirit in you, and you will live.
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