what i'm reading: acts chapter 7
what else i'm reading: an amazing article by russell moore about being a single issue evangelical
what i'm eating: sweet potato fries from kidd valley
where i've been: coulon park with friends and kiddos -- slides, swings, hungry ducks, and mom talk.
where i'm going: the grocery store to grab celery, thyme, and bread crumbs for a recipe i'm trying tonight
where i'm going after that: to teach baby signs class
what i'm listening to: lamb of God, we fall before thee by joseph hart, music by brian moss
what else i'm listening to: spookley the square pumpkin by joe troiano
what i'm praying: God of grace, we grieve that the church, which shares one Spirit, one faith, one hope, and one calling, has become a broken communion in a broken world. The one body spans all time, place, race, and language, but in our fear we have fled from and fought one another, and in our pride we have mistaken our part for the whole. Yet we marvel that you gather the pieces to do your work, that you bless us with joy, with growth, and with signs of unity. Forgive our sins and help us to commit ourselves to seeking and showing the unity of the body of Christ. Amen. (from the Confession of Sin at church a few weeks back, also found here)
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