Here's a fresh batch of keepers from my little dudes (and some fun unrelated pictures too).
This one goes out to our Canadian family...
Nate (all excited to fill up the baby pool): OK, I'll be the hoser!
The next few all relate to last week's Vacation Bible School at church. The theme of the week was outer space, as I'm sure you could have figured out from the following...
Nate (very serious): I want to go to space. At VBS they said we could go to space... but they said we have to have moon boots. Mom, do we have any moon boots?
[later that night, during prayers]
Nate: Dear Jesus, please let the store have moon boots.
We are headed off to visit Jon's family soon and Nate has literally been counting down the days. I was trying to demonstrate this to a friend, but apparently he had VBS on the brain.
Me: Where are we going in 7 days?
Nate: I don't know.
Me: C'mon Nate, you've been talking about this every day! Where are we going in 7 days?
Nate (again, very serious): Space?
The church was decorated with all kinds of space paraphernalia for the occasion, including a blow-up alien creature that caught Dexter's eye.
Jon: Whatcha doin Dexter?
Dexter: I'm just looking at this scary fellow.
1 comment:
"Take off, ya hoser!"
That's awesome.
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